1. Tina Fontaine (English)

E P 1 - T I N A F O N T A I N E
In Taken the Podcast’s first episode, we share the story of Tina Fontaine, a 15-year-old girl whose body was pulled from the Red River in Winnipeg in August, 2014, sparking international attention, and shining a spotlight on the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.
INTERVIEW SUBJECTS: Thelma Favel (Tina’s Great Aunt), Sargent John O’Donovan (Winnipeg Police) Cindy Guimonde (Tina’s guidance counsellor), Nahanni Fontaine (former Special Advisor on Aboriginal Women’s Issues for the Indigenous Issues Committee of Cabinet for Manitoba, current Member of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly), Mary Wilson (Spiritual Advisor), the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould (former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, current Member of Parliament for the British Columbia riding of Vancouver Granville), Craig Benjamin (Amnesty International), Shawna Ferris (Professor, University of Manitoba), and the Honourable Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs).