10. Amber Tuccaro (English)

E P 1 0 - A M B E R T U C C A R O
Amber Tuccaro was 20 years old, and the mother of a 14-month-old boy when she traveled with her baby and a female friend from Fort McMurray to Nisku, Alberta with the plan of heading to Edmonton the next day, August 18, 2010. When she left her friend and son, Amber decided to hitchhike into the city and was picked up by an unknown man. There was a conversation with this man that was recorded – it was the last time Amber’s voice was heard.
INTERVIEW SUBJECTS: Vivian Tuccaro (Amber Tuccaro’s Mother), Paul Tuccaro Jr. (Amber Tuccaro’s Brother), Tracy Bear (Director for the Indigenous Women’s Resilience Project), Ian Campeau (Anishinaabe Artist and Advocate)